Web Site of the Department
Head of Department : Macid Ayhan Melekoğlu
Professors : İrfan Erdoğan, Macid Ayhan Melekoğlu
Associate Professors : Bengü Börkan Aydıner, Deniz Kaymak, Gamze İnan, Mustafa Öztürk, Z. Hande Sart, Havva Ayşe Caner, Nadire Gülçin Yıldız Göçmen
Assistant Professors : Gülistan Gürsel Bilgin, Nihal Yeniad Malkamak, Rahşan Nazlı Somel, Gizem Toska, Hakan Ergin, Abdullah Azzam Tüzgen, Süreyya Yörük, Mujadad Zaman
Assistants : Esma Adem, Merve Başat, Sevgi Tüccar, Sümeyye Çakır, Ceyda Öztürk
Instructors : Duygu Olgaç*, Sibel Akmehmet Şekerler*, Fatma Güneş Ertaş Polat*, Neylan Özdemir*, Özlem Ada Ülke*, Prof. Dr. Barış Korkmaz*, Ayşe Gür Turaboğlu*, Gülbin Öztürk Tüter*, Prof Dr. Refia Aslıhan Dönmez*, Mihal Bardavit Pazarbaşı*, Prof Dr. Fatma Zeynep Kızıltepe*, Engin Yılmaz*
*Part time
The Department of Educational Sciences conducts an undergraduate program leading to a B.A. degree in Guidance and Psychological Counseling and offers pedagogic formation courses to students in the Teacher Education Programs for the other departments of the Faculty of Education. There is one double-major program conducted by the Department with Preschool Education Department. The Department of Educational Sciences offers four graduate programs; M.A. degree in Guidance and Psychological Counseling, M.A. degree in Adult Education, M.A. degree in Curriculum and Instructional and Ph.D. degree in Educational Sciences. Institute of Social Sciences conducting graduate programs leading to an M.A. degree in Guidance and Psychological Counseling.
Educational goals and objectives
The goal is to train students who may fulfill guidance and basic psychological counseling functions with young people in educational or school settings. This training has a line of coursework, the liberal arts core foundation, shared by the University in the beginning years, and a line of elective coursework from within and outside of the department.
Admission and special requirements
Lisans programına kabul MADDE 6 – (1) Lisans programlarına öğrenci kabulü, 2547 sayılı Yükseköğretim Kanunu ile Yükseköğretim Kurulu yönetmelikleri ve kararları çerçevesinde Senato tarafından belirlenen esaslara göre yapılır. (2) Yurt dışından öğrenci başvuru ve kabul işlemleri ilgili mevzuat hükümleri çerçevesinde Senato tarafından belirlenen esaslara göre yapılır. (3) Kurum içi veya kurum dışı yatay geçiş başvuru ve kabul işlemleri ilgili mevzuat hükümleri çerçevesinde Senato tarafından belirlenen esaslara göre yapılır.
Acknowledgement of previous learning
Ders saydırma ve muafiyet MADDE 14 – (1) Öğrencilerin bir yükseköğretim kurumunda aldığı derslerin kredileri ilgili yönetim kurulu kararı ile transfer edilerek kayıtlı olduğu lisans programındaki yükümlülüklerinin yerine sayılabilir. (2) Ders saydırma işlemlerinde aşağıdaki kurallar uygulanır: a) Daha önce alınmış ancak bir diplomaya sayılmamış ve o kurumdan ilişkisi kesilmiş olması koşuluyla, en az CC notu alınmış derslerin transferi ilgili yönetim kurulu tarafından yapılabilir. b) Ders saydırma işlemlerinin tamamlanmasına ilişkin azami süre, öğrencinin lisans programına yerleştirildiği yarıyılı izleyen yarıyılın kayıt dönemi başlangıcını geçmemek kaydıyla ilgili yönetmelik ve yönergelerle belirlenir. c) Değişim programlarına katılan öğrencilerin diğer yükseköğretim kurumunda aldıkları derslerin transfer işlemleri en geç değişim programından döndükleri yarıyılı takip eden yarıyılın ders ekleme-bırakma dönemi sonuna kadar ilgili yönetim kurulu kararı ile yapılır. ç) Üniversitede alınmış olan dersler notlu ve kredili transfer edilir. d) Bir başka yükseköğretim kurumunda alınmış olan dersler P notu ile kredili olarak transfer edilir. Derslerin kapsamının Üniversitenin programlarıyla aynı ancak kredilerinin farklı olması durumunda, ilgili bölüm tarafından teorik, uygulama ve laboratuvar saatleri de göz önüne alınarak eşdeğerliliğine karar verilen derslere, ilgili yönetim kurulunun da onayı ile eşdeğer sayılan dersin kredisi verilir. (3) Birinci sınıf derslerinden muafiyet esasları Senato tarafından belirlenir.
Graduation requirements
Mezuniyet MADDE 31 – (1) Bir öğrencinin kayıtlı olduğu programdan mezun olup diploma almaya hak kazanabilmesi için; a) Yaz dönemi hariç, son yarıyılını kayıtlı olarak Üniversitede geçirmesi gerekir. b) Kredili ve kredisiz aldığı tüm dersleri en az DD veya P notu ile tamamlaması gerekir. c) Program mezuniyet kredisinin yarısından az olmamak kaydıyla, bölüm tarafından belirlenmiş orandaki krediyi Üniversitede alınan dersler ile tamamlaması gerekir. Ancak özel durumlarda Üniversite Yönetim Kurulu karar almaya yetkilidir. ç) Programını en az 2.00 GNO ile tamamlaması gerekir. (2) Azami süreleri içinde; a) GNO’ları en az 2.00 olan ve mezuniyet koşullarını sadece bir dersten (kredili veya kredisiz) F notu almış oldukları için yerine getiremeyen öğrencilere, ilgili öğretim elemanının görüşü alınarak bu dersleri tekrarlamadan, bir sınava girme veya bunun yerini tutacak bir akademik çalışma yapma imkanı, ilgili yönetim kurulunca tanınabilir. Bu öğrencilere dersin seviyesine göre en çok DD notu verilir. Başarısızlık halinde ders tekrarlanır ve Yönetmeliğin diğer hükümleri uygulanır. b) İlgili programın tüm kredilerini tamamlamış ancak GNO’su 2.00’nin altında olan öğrenci ilgili danışman ve yönetim kurulu onayı ile 27 nci maddenin üçüncü fıkrası hükümleri uygulanmaksızın DC ve DD notu aldığı dersleri mezuniyet koşullarını yerine getirene kadar tekrarlayabilir. (3) Mezuniyet koşullarını tamamlayan öğrencinin mezuniyet kararı ertelenemez.
Program learning outcomes
- Developing foreign language competency at a level that allows following scientific, technological, and artistic developments at national and international levels; becoming knowledgeable about the country's language, culture and history.
- Investing in contributing to individuals’ quality of life and welfare of communities; viewing mental health as an inseparable part of health and wellness.
- Committing oneself to continuous self and professional development as a counselor; building a professional identity with an integrity and ethical stance.
- Modeling accessible and supportive learning environments where diversity is valued and individuals are encouraged to be critical, creative, technologically skillful, and insightful independent learners who take initiative for responsible action.
- Being committed to the advancement of the counseling profession, providing leadership through collaboration, consultation, and research; building local and global professional environments where academic knowledge and professional experiences are shared and expanded.
- Assessing developmental and diverse needs of individuals, couples, families, groups, and educational or wider communities.
- Recognizing and responding to the changing needs of the clientele in effective ways, adapting to changing methods and techniques of the services, promoting resources and supportive networks, and acting as a social change agent towards establishment of resilient communities.
- Generating and disseminating research, applying research findings to improve accountable services towards meeting client needs.
- Adapting the ecological systems and social justice orientations; building multicultural competencies to advocate for individuals and groups who are disadvantaged in the society; promoting inclusive social policies.
TYYÇ Ulusal Yeterlikler
TYYÇ Alan Yeterlikleri
First Semester |
Cr. |
ED 101 |
Introduction to Education |
3 |
6 |
ED 121 |
Freshman Orientation |
2 |
5 |
EC 101 / 102 |
Principles of Microeconomics / Principles of Macroeconomics |
3 |
6 |
SOC 101 |
Introduction to Sociology |
3 |
4 |
MATH 105 / 106 |
Introduction to Finite Math. / Intro. To Calculus for Soc. Sci. |
4 |
6 |
AE 111/112
/ -- -- |
Advanced English I / II
Unrestricted Elective |
3 |
3 / 5 |
18 |
30/32 |
Second Semester |
Cr. |
ED 104 |
Social Found. of Education |
3 |
5 |
ED 132 |
Ethical Issues in Counseling |
2 |
5 |
PHIL 112/101 |
Intro. Modern Philosophy/Introduction to Philosophy / |
3 |
6/8 |
PSY 101 |
Introduction to Psychology I |
3 |
5 |
BIO 152 |
Introduction to Modern Biology |
3 |
5 |
HIST 105 / 106 /
HUM 101 / 102 |
Making of the Mod. World I / II /
Cultural Encounters I / II |
3/4 |
5/6 |
17/18 |
31/34 |
Third Semester |
Cr. |
ED 201 |
Intro. to Statistics |
4 |
6 |
ED 209 |
Lifespan Development |
4 |
6 |
ED 221 |
Fundamentals of Guid. & Coun. |
3 |
5 |
PSY 241/
PSY 242 |
Social Psychology /
Social Influences on Behavior |
3 |
5 |
-- -- |
Unrestricted Elective |
3 |
5 |
TK 221 |
Turkish for Native Speakers I |
2 |
3 |
19 |
30 |
Fourth Semester |
Cr. |
ED 208 |
Research Methodology |
4 |
6 |
ED 226 |
Theories of Personality |
3 |
5 |
ED 252 |
Educational Administration |
3 |
5 |
Spec. Elective1 |
Specialized Elective1 (Community Services) |
3/4 |
5/6 |
-- -- |
Unrestricted Elective |
3 |
5 |
TK 222 |
Turkish for Native Speakers II |
2 |
3 |
18/19 |
29/30 |
Fifth Semester |
Cr. |
ED 309 |
Applied Research |
3 |
6 |
ED 330 |
Basic Counseling Skills |
3 |
6 |
ED 370 |
Program Development & Evaluation |
4 |
6 |
CET 360 |
Inst. Tech. Material & Dev. |
3 |
5 |
-- -- |
Complementary Elective |
3 |
5 |
HTR 311 |
History of the Turkish Republic I |
2 |
3 |
18 |
31 |
Sixth Semester |
Cr. |
ED 328 |
Understanding Maladjustment |
4 |
6 |
ED 374 |
Measurement & Evaluation |
3 |
6 |
-- -- |
Specialized Elective2 (Culture and Diversity) |
3 |
5 |
-- -- |
Unrestricted Elective |
3 |
5 |
-- -- |
Unrestricted Elective |
3 |
5 |
HTR 312 |
History of the Turkish Republic II |
2 |
3 |
18 |
30 |
Seventh Semester |
Cr. |
ED 401 |
Classroom Management |
3 |
6 |
ED 421 |
Intro, to Assessment in Counseling |
3 |
6 |
ED 425 |
Group Dynamics and Counseling |
3 |
6 |
ED 477 |
School Counseling Practicum I |
4 |
8 |
-- -- |
Unrestricted Elective |
3 |
5 |
16 |
31 |
Eighth Semester |
Cr. |
ED 434 |
Advanced Counseling Skills |
3 |
6 |
ED 444 |
Psychoeducational. Consultation |
3 |
6 |
ED 478 |
School Counseling Practicum II |
4 |
8 |
-- -- |
Complementary Elective |
3 |
5 |
-- -- |
Unrestricted Elective |
3 |
5 |
16 |
30 |
Total: 140 / 142 Credits , ECTS: 242 / 248
SPECIALIZED ELECTIVE1 (Community Services): ED 300; ED 315; ED 316; ED 342; ED 475
SPECIALIZED ELECTIVE2 (Culture and Diversity): ED 200; ED 304; ED 306; ED 307; ED 310; ED 312; ED 314; ED 319; ED 335, ED 402, ED 410; ED 465
* EC 101 / PHIL 101, PHIL 112 / EC 102: Every student has to take one EC and one PHIL course.
* MATH 105/MATH 106, HIST 105/HIST 106 or HUM 101 / HUM 102, PS Y 241 / PS Y 242: Odd numbered courses are for regular, even numbered courses are for irregular students.
* AE 111 / AE 112: AE course is required for students with C English proficiency level, unrestricted elective is for students with A and B English level.
ED 101 Introduction to Education (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Eğitime Giriş)
Basic concepts, principles and characteristics of education; social, political, philosophical, and historical foundations of education in general and the Turkish educational system in particular.
ED 104 Social Foundations of Education (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Eğitimin Sosyal Temelleri)
School as a social institution in a social system. Critical analysis of roles of students, teachers and schools in society. The role of education in social stratification, social class, gender and equality of educational opportunity.
ED 106 School Experience (2+0+2) 3 ECTS 5
(Okul Deneyimi)
Initial exposure to schools, their organization, administration, processes and problems. Understanding school climate, roles of personnel and their activities, equipment and material usage, daily activities and parent-school and community partnership.
ED 121 Freshman Orientation (2+0+0) 2 ECTS 5
(Birinci Sınıfların Yönelimi)
A general introduction to the university, faculty, department and the program. Issues of freshman students in adjusting into academic life. Understanding the extent of the field and career options in guidance and counseling.
ED 132 Ethical Issues in Counseling (2+0+0) 2 ECTS 5
(Danışmanlıkta Etik Konular )
Development of ethical awareness and thinking. Introduction to ethical issues in counseling practice. Relations with law.
ED 200 Living with Disabilities (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Engellerle Yaşamak)
Awareness of disabling conditions and identifying differences in oneself and others. Exclusion and disability as a marker of identity. Representation of disability in literature, arts, science, law, religion, education and media. Models of disability. Disability through the lens of diversity. Issues of social integration.
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.
ED 201 Introduction to Statistics (Istatistige Giris) (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 6
Concepts of measurement in social sciences; descriptive and inferential statistics, parametric and non-parametric techniques of statistics. Data analyses with statistical software.
ED 202 Analysis of Variance (2+0+2) 3 ECTS 5
(Değişkenlik Çözümlemesi)
Use of analysis of variance techniques in experimental and causal comparative research designs in social sciences. Factorial, repeated-measures, and analysis of covariance. Issues of power and practical significance.
Prerequisite: ED 201 or consent of the instructor.
ED 203 History of Turkish Education (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Türk Eğitim Tarihi)
Analysis of historical forces influencing the development of Turkish education with a focus on relations between the school and other social institutions.
Prerequisite: ED 101 or consent of the instructor.
ED 205 Contemporary Approaches in Learning (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Öğrenmede Çağdaş Yaklaşımlar)
Different learning models and environments in elementary, secondary or higher education. Centering on, engaging and nurturing the learner. Universal design for learning and innovative practices.
Prerequisite: ED 101.
ED 206 Philosophy of Education (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Eğitim Felsefesi)
Introduction to philosophical foundations of education. Prominent educational philosophers. Major educational philosophies, theories and their influence on education in relation to critical issues in contemporary education.
Prerequisite: ED 101 or consent of the instructor.
ED 208 Research Methodology (3+0+2) 4 ECTS 6
(Araştırma Yöntemleri)
Introduction to the logic of social scientific inquiry. Basic concepts and techniques in quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. Understanding the interrelated roles of research design, measurement and statistics. Using theoretical framework in developing research proposals in educational settings.
Prerequisite: ED 201.
ED 209 Lifespan Development (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 6
(Yaşamboyu Gelişim)
Stages and processes of human lifespan changes in physical, emotional, cognitive and social domains of development. Issues of risk and resiliency.
ED 211 Educational Psychology (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Eğitim Psikolojisi)
Understanding the human potential, effectiveness and motivation. Human development and diversity. Problem solving, memory and creativity. Instruction and assessment in learning. Contemporary issues in educational psychology.
ED 213 Development and Learning (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Gelişim ve Öğrenme)
Introduction to human development including physical, cognitive, personality, social and moral domains. Theories of learning. Issues in motivation and human diversity.
ED 221 Fundamentals of Guidance and Counseling (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Rehberlik ve Danışmanlığın Temelleri)
Introduction into the field of guidance and counseling; its conceptualization, historical background, nature, professional roles, direct and indirect functions. A brief review of career counseling, counseling with special groups, basic assessment techniques, and development of these services in Turkiye.
ED 226 Theories of Personality (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Kişilik Kuramları)
Comparative review of basic assumptions, constructs, and research related to major theories of personality and discussion of their implications for guidance and counseling.
Prerequisite: ED 209.
ED 252 Educational Administration (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Eğitim Yönetimi)
Introduction to theories and approaches in educational administration. Overview of administrative functions and processes, organizational behavior, leadership, culture and climate in educational organizations. Practising organizational analysis.
Prerequisite: ED 101.
ED 262 Planning and Evaluation of Instruction (3+0+2) 4 ECTS 6
(Öğretimde Planlama ve Değerlendirme)
Basic concepts and principles of instructional planning, curriculum development, measurement and evaluation. Developing lesson plans and producing unit designs in relation to teaching strategies and materials. Different measurement, evaluation, and assessment approaches; development of formative and summative evaluation instruments.
Prerequisite: ED 211.
ED 282 Principles and Methods of Instruction (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Öğretim İlke ve Yöntemleri)
Theoretical approaches to curriculum development and instruction. Concepts and principles of instructional processes. Methods and techniques of instructional planning. Designing, developing, and producing lesson plans on learning units. Development of formative and summative evaluation instruments.
Prerequisite: ED 211.
ED 300 Community Involvement (1+0+4) 3 Pass/Fail ECTS 5
(Topluma Katılım)
Understanding individual responsibility in the social development of the society. Taking an active role in contributing to community-based services. Collaboration with public or nongovernmental organizations. Supervised supportive practice in selected community settings.
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.
ED 301 Child Maltreatment (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Çocuk İstismarı)
Definitions of child maltreatment and its individual and social dynamics. Understanding the victim, abuser and the process of abuse. Exploration of familial and contextual factors, and short and long-term effects of child abuse and neglect. Review of recent research and strategies employed in the prevention and treatment of abuse.
Prerequiste: ED 209 or consent of the instructor.
ED 304 Education and Culture (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Eğitim ve Kültür)
Critical analysis of education within the context of social and cultural dynamics of a society. Examination of social and cultural processes in education from various theoretical and analytical perspectives.
Prerequisite: ED 104 or consent of the instructor.
ED 306 Comparative Education (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Karşılaştırmalı Eğitim)
Introduction to comparative and international studies in education. Examination of theoretical approaches, contemporary issues, current trends, and major concepts including power, equity, and gender.
Prerequisite: ED 104 or consent of the instructor.
ED 307 Education and Social Development (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Eğitim ve Sosyal Gelişim)
Analysis of interaction between education, and social, political and economic development. Examining the means that schools reproduce or challenge the prevailing social, economic and political order. Schooling in socialization process, education and gender, education and work, and freedom through education. Education in Turkiye regarding these themes.
Prerequisite: ED 104 or consent of the instructor.
ED 309 Applied Research (2+0+2) 3 ECTS 6
(Uygulamalı Araştırma)
Implementation of quantitative and qualitative research proposals. Analysis of data through the use of computer software packages. Writing research reports.
Prerequisite: ED 208.
ED 310 Gender and Education (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Eğitim)
Relations between gender and education in social, economic and cultural contexts. Critical analysis of gender status in society and the role of education in the creation and perpetuation of gender discrimination and inequalities.
Prerequisite: ED 104 or consent of the instructor.
ED 311 Data Processing and Analysis (3+0+2) 4 ECTS 6
(Veri İşleme ve Çözümleme)
Development of data-base. Processing and analyzing quantitative data by using appropriate statistical software, interpreting and reporting results.
Prerequisite: ED 201 or consent of the instructor.
ED 312 Multicultural Approaches to Education (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Eğitime Çok-Kültürlü Yaklaşımlar)
Examination of major historical and current theories of multiculturalism related to education. Analysis of the role of education in creating and perpetuating social identity, social and cultural diversity, social inclusion, power and privileges.
Prerequisite: ED 104 or consent of the instructor.
ED 313 Conflict Resolution (2+0+2) 3 ECTS 6
(Çatışma Çözümü)
Theory, research and practice in conflict resolution. Understanding conflict and its relation to culture, power, violence, compromise and justice. Discussion of topics including cooperation and competition, negotiation and mediation, and building consensus. Conflict management at interpersonal, intergroup and organizational levels. Supervised practice in basic conflict resolution skills in selected contexts.
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.
ED 314 Cultural Issues in Counseling (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Danışmanlıkta Kültürel Konular)
Understanding sociopolitical issues relevant to counseling and the impact of culture on behavior. Cultural awareness and sensitivity. Reexamination of assumptions made in major counseling approaches. Multiculturally approriate intervention skills.
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.
ED 315 Peer Guidance I (2+0+4) 4 Pass/Fail ECTS 6
(Akran Rehberliği I)
Group training to increase awareness, insight, acceptance and communication skills. Peer support applications including orientation to campus life and academic programs under group and individual supervision.
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.
ED 316 Peer Guidance II (2+0+4) 4 Pass/Fail ECTS 6
(Akran Rehberliği II)
Group training on interaction and supportive skills. Peer support applications including individual guidance and group discussions of selected topics under group and individual supervision.
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor
ED 317 The Social Work Perspective (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Sosyal Hizmet Bakış Açısı)
Basic social work purposes and values to the study and analysis of human behavior and problems. The ecological/social system perspective. Approaches to description, assessment and intervention. Environmental conditions that support or inhibit human growth and well-being. Consequences of oppression, marginalization and discrimination on human development and behavior. Issues and concerns of multi-cultural and urban populations. Implications for Turkish schools and society.
Prerequisite: ED 209.
ED 319 Introduction to Peace Education (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Barış Eğitimine Giriş)
Introduction to the core concepts and pedagogy of peace education. Discussion of historical and current dimensions of peace education including human rights, social justice, disarmament, intercultural solidarity, environmental care and inner peace. International applications and experiences in peace education movement. Values formation, conflict resolution, human rights curriculum and intersections with media.
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.
ED 322 Primary Prevention (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Birincil Önleme)
Review of historical development, recent concepts and strategies in primary prevention. Research and practice related to individual and family well-being in educational and community settings. Promotion of competency and natural sources of support.
Prerequisite: ED 221.
ED 328 Understanding Maladjustment (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 6
(Uyum Bozukluklarını Anlama)
Theoretical discussion of underlying social, cultural and psychological factors of maladjustment. Issues in counseling with various patterns of maladjustment.
Prerequisite: ED 226.
ED 330 Basic Counseling Skills (2+0+2) 3 ECTS 6
(Temel Danışmanlık Becerileri)
Survey of major concepts, theories and approaches to counseling. Practice basic counseling skills.
Prerequisite: ED 226.
ED 331 Risk and Resilience (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Risk ve Dayanıklılık)
Examination of development of competence in social contexts and relations between vulnerability and resilience; risk and protective factors. Review of research evidence on individual, small group, family, school and community factors that promote resilience among children, adolescents, and adults. Systems and strategies of prevention and intervention to reduce risk or increase adaptation.
Prerequiste: ED 209 consent of the instructor.
ED 335 Comparative Experiences in Education (2+0+2) 3 ECTS 5
(Eğitimde Karşılaştırmalı Deneyimler)
Examination of educational issues in different cultural settings. Opportunity to visit related sites of interest and engage in dailogues with policy makers, practitioners, students or administrators. A variety of learning experiences such as face-to-face sessions, independent learning, on-line discussions, and participatory learning.
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.
ED 342 Community and Counseling (1+0+4) 3 Pass/Fail ECTS 5
(Toplum ve Danışmanlık)
Understanding the counselor’s social roles and responsibilities in the community as an agent of change. Conceptions of social intervention and implications for the counseling process. Exposure to and practice in community settings under supervision.
Prerequisite: ED 221 or consent of the instructor.
ED 370 Program Development and Evaluation (3+0+2) 4 ECTS 6
(Program Geliştirme ve Değerlendirme)
Processes and elements of program development and evaluation. Survey of different theoretical approaches and models. Program development under supervision.
Prerequisite: ED 201.
ED 371 Instructional Product Development (2+0+2) 3 ECTS 6
(Öğretim Ürünü Geliştirme)
Selection of an instructional problem and development of a product. Demonstration of competence in analysis (problem, learner, task, content). Designing (objectives, criterion tests, instructional strategies, media and format selection, content design, and alternative scripts), developing (layout, composition, production), and evaluating (field test, feedback, revision) of instructional products.
Prerequisite: ED 370.
ED 374 Measurement & Evaluation (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Ölçme ve Değerlendirme)
Theories of measurement, evaluation and assessment and their historical development. Concepts of objectivity, reliability and validity. Theories and concepts related to different types of tests. Statistical analyses of test scores and the interpretation of test results.
Prerequisite: ED 201 & ED 370
ED 400 Motivational Issues in Education (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Eğitimde Güdülenme Konuları)
Authenticity, awareness of self, the other, relationships and context in education. Commitment and social responsibility; idealistic and altruistic values. Reflective learning, personal and professional development. Understanding and coping with demotivational factors. Encouragement of student potential and vision development.
Prerequisite: ED 221.
ED 401 Classroom Management (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Sınıf Yönetimi)
Development of effective classroom management skills. Understanding and handling factors influencing student behavior, student motivation, communication and group interaction. Establishing and maintaining standards of behavior. Planning and modification of classroom tasks, materials, time and environment to facilitate learning.
Prerequisite: ED 209/ED 211.
ED 402 Education and Globalization (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Eğitim ve Küreselleşme)
Critical examination of relations between education and globalization. Review of major debates on educational policy, economy, culture, and politics related to globalization. Critical analysis of the global knowledge economy discourses and their challenges to the prevailing educational system.
Prerequisite: ED 104 or consent of the instructor.
ED 403 Human Sexuality (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(İnsan Cinselliği)
Introduction to sexual terminology and the role of sexuality in human adjustment. Exploration of multiple issues including sexual development and response cycle, sexual orientation, diversity and gender identity, sexual problems and dysfunctions, causes and treatment approaches, sexual violence and consent, sexuality and HIV/AIDS, the law and ethics in sexual misconduct and boundary violations.
Prerequisite: ED 209 or consent of the instructor.
ED 410 Gender Issues in Counseling (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Danışmanlıkta Toplumsal Cinsiyet Konuları)
Awareness and sensitivity in relation to gender issues in counseling practices. Sex role socialization process, gender roles and identity. Discrimination, sexual harrassment and exploitation. Sex biases and sexual orientation. Non-sexist and feminist approaches in counseling.
Prerequisite: ED 226.
ED 411 Understanding Drug Abuse and Addiction (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Madde Kullanımı ve Bağımlılığı Anlamak)
Physiological and behavioral effects of legal and illegal psychoactive substances, definitions of major concepts related to drug abuse. Theories and history of addiction. Characteristics of drug users and drug use in different developmental stages.
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.
ED 412 Prevention of Addiction (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Madde Bağımlılığının Önlenmesi)
Major theories, principles and strategies of prevention in addiction. Fundamentals of setting up a community or school based prevention program, difficulties and factors influencing implementation of prevention activity. Best practices in addiction prevention.
Prerequisite: ED 411.
ED 415 Understanding Disability (2+0+2) 3 ECTS 6
(Engelliliği Anlamak)
Identification of disabilities in physical, perceptual, intellectual, social, behavioral and emotional development. Issues of social inclusion, special education, programs and services. Supporting children and youth with disabilities.
Prerequisite: ED 209 or consent of the instructor.
ED 417 Crisis Intervention (2+0+2) 3 ECTS 6
(Kriz Müdahalesi)
Theory and practice in crisis intervention. Skills and techniques in coping with crises. Preparing, intervening and managing crises in educational settings. Issues of care, welfare and safety. Learning through role plays and group exercises.
Prerequisite: ED 330.
ED 421 Introduction to Assessment in Counseling (2+0+2) 3 ECTS 6
(Danışmanlıkta Tanıma ve Değerlendirmeye Giriş)
Review of basic principles of psychological assessment in counseling. Introduction to major techniques and tests used in counseling settings. In class practice of selected tests.
Prerequisite: ED 209, ED 374.
ED 422 Practicum in Assessment (2+0+2) 3 ECTS 6
(Tanıma ve Değerlendirme Uygulaması)
Construction of psychoeducational assessment tool through the use of a selected method. Testing practice under supervision.
Prerequisite: ED 421.
ED 425 Group Dynamics and Counseling (2+0+2) 3 ECTS 6
(Grup Dinamikleri ve Danışmanlık)
Elements of group dynamics and processes. Review of major theories and approaches in group counseling. Practice of group facilitation skills.
Prerequisite: ED 330.
ED 431 Family Counseling (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Aile Danışmanlığı)
An introduction to systemic understanding of human behavior within the family. Interpersonal relationship, couple and family problems. Comparative study of major theories of family systems. Discussions of the related counseling techniques within these perspectives through illustrative case material.
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.
ED 434 Advanced Counseling Skills (2+0+2) 3 ECTS 6
(İleri Danışmanlık Becerileri)
In depth review of various theories, concepts, and skills of counseling. Supervised applications of these skills.
Prerequisite: ED 330.
ED 436 Educational Neurology (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Eğitim Nörolojisi)
Brain anatomy and behavioral genetics for non-medical students. Neuropsychological processes of learning and motivation. Significance of neurobiological data for educational interventions and in reevaluation of pertinent psychological theories. Clinical approach to neurodevelopmental disorders in childhood.
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.
ED 437 Counseling and Technology (2+0+2) 3 ECTS 5
(Danışmanlık ve Teknoloji)
Theories, research, and practices related to uses of technology in counseling with a focus on computer-mediated communication and ethical practice.
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.
ED 442 Adult Education (2+0+2) 3 ECTS 5
(Yetişkin Eğitimi)
The state and purposes of adult education in contemporary societies. Programs and methods of basic education, general education, citizenship education, skills training, and in-service training in adult education. Organization and administration of adult education programs.
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.
ED 444 Psychoeducational Consultation (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Psikoeğitimsel Konsültasyon)
Consultation and collaboration in educational settings. Rationale and techniques used in consultation with teachers, parents, and administrators to prevent and cope with learning and adjustment difficulties.
Prerequisites: ED 401.
ED 451 Organizational Counseling (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Örgütsel Danışmanlık)
Understanding organizational behavior and introduction to organizational behavior theories and models. Organizational counseling techniques including problem solving, negotiation and conflict resolution, leadership and team building. Communications and relationships in organizational settings. Discussion of organizational dynamics through illustrative case studies.
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.
ED 453 Educational Policy and Related Issues (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Eğitim Politikası ve İlişkili Konular)
The concept of policy and effects on the educational system and its institutions. Analysis of the policy making process at different levels. Examination of the impact of the social, political, economic, and cultural forces on educational policies in the context of educational practices.
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.
ED 459 Working with Children (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Çocuklarla Çalışma)
Brief review of developmental milestones in infancy, early and middle childhood. Common concerns of children including attachment quality, peer relations, school adjustment, learning difficulties, pervasive developmental disorders, attention deficit and hyperactivity. Relevant prevention and intervention techniques of counseling.
Prerequisite: ED 209 or consent of the instructor.
ED 460 Career Development (2+0+2) 3 ECTS 6
(Mesleki Gelişim)
Classical and contemporary theories of career development. Assumptions, principles, approaches, basic tools and techniques in career counseling. Identification of individual characteristics in career decision making, including interests, skills, values, life roles and personality. Educational and occupational information, resources and opportunities. Issues of cultural diversity.
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.
ED 461 Introduction to Rehabilitation Counseling (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Rehabilitasyon Danışmanlığına Giriş)
Overview of the historical, philosophical and legal issues, and roles of counselors in rehabilitation. Collaboration, advocacy and counseling issues in working with individuals with disabilities.
Prerequisites: ED 330, ED 200 / ED 415.
ED 465 Diverse Perspectives in Educational Issues (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Eğitim Konularında Görüş Çeşitlilikleri)
An interdisciplinary approach to the analysis of educational issues from diverse philosophical perspectives, including Western and non-Western paradigms.
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
ED 469 Working with Adolescents (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Ergenlerle Çalışma)
Brief review of developmental milestones in adolescence. Common concerns of adolescents including peer pressure, intergenerational communication, career choice, substance use, teenage sexuality, violance and eating behavior. Relevant prevention and intervention techniques of counseling.
Prerequisite: ED 209 or consent of the instructor.
ED 470 Postmodernity and Counseling (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Postmodernite ve Danışmanlık)
Postmodernity confronting psychological theory; problems pertaining to nature of human consciousness, unitary self-hood, morality, and language, underlying mainstream empirical research and social practice. Review of various postmodernist critiques of the modern academic and professional psychological disciplines, and deliberation of their progressive potential for counseling in contemporary Turkish society.
Prerequisite: ED 226.
ED 471 Self and Identity (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Kendilik ve Kimlik)
Exploration of fundamental concepts and issues in the scientific study of self and identity. Discussions of various contemporary positions on the nature and contexts of self and identity. Particular focus on mutually inclusive roles of the self and identity as both personal and social constructs from a historical/cultural perspective.
Prerequisite: ED 226.
ED 472 Individual Study (1+0+4) 3 ECTS 5
(Bireysel Çalışma)
Project development and implementation or case studies related to individual fields of specialization in education.
Prerequsite: Consent of the instructor.
ED 474 Seminar in Counseling (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Danışmanlık Semineri)
Review and discussion of recent counseling approaches. In-depth discussion of selected issues in counseling theory and practice.
Prerequiste: Consent of the instructor.
ED 475 Supportive Services in Higher Education (1+0+4) 3 Pass/Fail ECTS 5
(Yüksek Eğitimde Destekleyici Hizmetler)
Supervised student participation in guidance and counseling services at the university. Development, implementation or organization of student support services, including orientation, seminars, group work and self help materials. Assistance in paperwork, data collection, data entry and publicity of services.
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.
ED 477 School Counseling Practicum I (2+1+3) 4 ECTS 8
(Okul Psikolojik Danışmanlığı Uygulama I)
Observation and supportive involvement in planning, organization and implementation of school guidance and counseling activities under the supervision of a school counselor. Promotion of awareness about ethical issues involved in working at schools.
Prerequisite: ED 330
ED 478 School Counseling Practicum II (2+1+3) 4 ECTS 8
(Okul Psikolojik Danışmanlığı Uygulama II)
Development, implementation and evaluation of group and individual work under the supervision of a school counselor. Ethical analysis of observed practice in schools.
Prerequisite: ED 425, ED 477
ED 479 Working with Adults (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Yetişkinlerle Çalışma)
Brief review of developmental milestones in early, middle and late adulthood. Common concerns of adults including career development, employment and retirement, intimacy and commitment, sexual relations, parenthood, self care, chronic and progressive illness, aging, death and loss. Relevant prevention and intervention techniques of counseling.
Prerequisite: ED 209 or consent of the instructor.
ED 48A – 48Z Special Topics in Education (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Eğitimde Özel Konular)
Special topics of current interest related to education.
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.
ED 49A – 49Z Special Studies in Education (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5-6
(Eğitimde Özel Çalışmalar)
Special topics on individual interests of students.
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.