Web Site of the Department
Head of Department : Leyla Martı
Professors : Sumru Akcan, Yasemin Bayyurt, Gülcan Erçetin, Ayşe Gürel, Belma Haznedar, Leyla Martı.
Associate Professors : Nur Yiğitoğlu Aptoula, Senem Yıldız, Sibel Tatar
Assistant Professors : Nazik Dinçtopal, Işıl Erduyan, Şebnem Yalçın, Yasser Teimouri, Mustafa Polat*, Dilek İnal*, Tuba Arabacı Atlamaz
Assistants : Dilek Göymen, Elifcan Öztekin, Sezen Bektaş Yüksel., Safiye Zaman
* Part-Time
The Department of Foreign Language Education offers an undergraduate program in English Language Education. The basic components of this program consist of English language development, linguistics, and other professional courses. Through elective courses, students are provided with opportunities to pursue individual interests in various cultural and professional subjects. Thus, the objective of the program is to help students to achieve adequate mastery of the English language and to provide them with knowledge and sufficient practical skills for teaching English as a foreign language.
Courses in the undergraduate program are offered by various departments of the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. The Department of Foreign Language Education provides courses in second language acquisition and methodology and organizes practice teaching in selected schools. In addition, the Department of Foreign Language Education cooperates with the Institute of Social Sciences in conducting graduate programs leading to M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in English Language Education.
Educational goals and objectives
The courses offered in the program aim to improve English language skills and competences, necessary for language teaching. The courses also include and necessiate the integration of increasingly widespread multilinguism and tehcnology into their English teaching practices.
Admission and special requirements
Students are admitted bsaed on the national student placement exam scores organized by the Student Selection and Placement Center. English Language Teaching undergraduate program accepted students according to foreign language wighted scores in these national exams. In general, when compared to students studying in the same program at other universities in Turkey, Boğaziçi University English Language Teaching program receives students with the highest base scores.
Acknowledgement of previous learning
The course counting requirements are specified in Article 14 of the Boğaziçi University Rules and Regulations regarding undergraduate programs: "(1) The credits of the courses taken by the students in a higher education institution can be transferred with the decision of the relevant administrative board. They can be counted to fulfill their obligations in the undergraduate program in which they are registered." The specific conditions of this course counting process are specified in the paragraphs of the relevant article.
Graduation requirements
Students are required to complete 139 BU credits/246 ECTS in the undergraduate program curriculum. These credits include field-specific departmental courses (54%), general culture courses (20%), teacher education/training courses (15%), and other unrestricted elective courses (11%).
Program learning outcomes
- To have knowledge about the structure and functions of English, and effectively use oral and written English.
- To have theoretical knowledge about sub-fields of applied linguistics, especially foreign language learing and teaching.
- To have knowledge of bilingual/multilangual theories and educational models.
- To have knowledge of qualitative and quantitative research concepts and methods in applied linguistics.
- To have the skills to follow up-to-date research to contrbute to professional development and to use this knowledge to develop/improve classroom language education.
- To design and implement meaning-oriented lessons by considering individual and contextual factors.
- To have the theoretical infrastructure and equipment necessary for the effective teaching of foreign language knowledge and skills.
- To have knowledge and awareness of the phenomenon of 'World English'es that emerged with globalization and its pedagogical reflections on English teaching.
- To choose information technologies in accordance with the purpose in teaching English as a foreign language and to use them effectively in accordance with different learning needs within the framework of contemporary learning theories.
- To select and develop assessment-evaluation tools in accordance with contextual and individual characteristics for the assessment of language ability, and to interpret the results correctly.
TYYÇ Ulusal Yeterlikler
TYYÇ Alan Yeterlikleri
First Semester |
Cr. |
ED 101 |
Introduction to Education |
3 |
6 |
EL 101 |
Survey of English Literature I |
3 |
6 |
FLED 103 |
Academic Writing |
3 |
7 |
LING 101 |
Int. to Language and Linguistics I |
3 |
7 |
PSY 101 |
Introduction to Psychology |
3 |
5 |
15 |
31 |
Second Semester |
Cr. |
EL 102 |
Survey of English Literature II |
3 |
6 |
FLED 106 |
Developing Communicative Competence in English |
3 |
8 |
FLED 126 |
Community Service Practices in Foreign Language Education |
3 |
6 |
-- -- |
HSS Elective |
3 |
4 |
-- -- |
Area Elective |
3 |
4 |
15 |
28 |
Third Semester |
Cr. |
ED 211 |
Educational Psychology |
3 |
5 |
ED 221 |
Fundamentals of Guidance and Counseling |
3 |
5 |
FLED 201 |
Survey of Applied Linguistics |
3 |
6 |
FLED 211 |
English Language Awareness |
3 |
7 |
TK 221 |
Turkish I |
2 |
3 |
-- -- |
Unrestricted Elective |
3 |
4 |
17 |
30 |
Fourth Semester |
Cr. |
FLED 212 |
Second Language Learning |
3 |
6 |
FLED 224 |
Second Language Teaching Methods |
3 |
6 |
FLED 218 |
Research Methods in Applied Linguistics |
3 |
7 |
TK 222 |
Turkish II |
2 |
3 |
-- -- |
Unrestricted Elective |
3 |
4 |
-- -- |
HSS Elective |
3 |
4 |
-- -- |
Area Elective |
3 |
4 |
20 |
34 |
Fifth Semester |
Cr. |
FLED 323 |
Teaching Second Language Grammar |
3 |
4 |
FLED 315 |
Sociolinguistics and English Language Education |
4 |
6 |
FLED 317 |
Theoretical Foundations of Language Skills |
3 |
4 |
HTR 311 |
History of Turkish Republic |
2 |
3 |
LING 313 |
Phonology and Morphology of Modern Turkish |
3 |
7 |
PRED 310 |
Special Education |
3 |
7 |
18 |
31 |
Sixth Semester |
Cr. |
CET 360 |
Instructional Technology and Material Development |
3 |
5 |
FLED 324 |
Literature in English Language Education |
3 |
6 |
FLED 306 |
Childhood Bilingualism and Bilingual Education |
3 |
4 |
FLED 318 |
Teaching Second Language Skills |
3 |
5 |
HTR 312 |
History of Turkish Republic |
2 |
3 |
-- -- |
Unrestricted Elective |
3 |
4 |
17 |
27 |
Seventh Semester |
Cr. |
ED 401 |
Classroom Management |
3 |
6 |
FLED 403 |
Practice Teaching in English as a Foreign Language I |
4 |
9 |
FLED 411 |
Technology Enhanced Language Teaching |
4 |
7 |
FLED 413 |
Language Assessment |
4 |
7 |
-- -- |
Unrestricted Elective |
3 |
4 |
18 |
33 |
Eighth Semester |
Cr. |
FLED 412 |
Practice Teaching in English as a Foreign Language II |
4 |
9 |
FLED 416 |
Seminar on Practice Teach.ing in EFL |
4 |
6 |
-- -- |
Unrestricted Elective |
3 |
4 |
-- -- |
Area Elective |
3 |
4 |
-- -- |
Unrestricted Elective |
3 |
4 |
17 |
27 |
Total: 137 Credits / 241 ECTS
FLED 103 Academic Writing (3+2+0) 3 ECTS 7
(Akademik Yazı)
Essay development with a focus on incorporating external sources using summarization, paraphrasing, direct quoting and conventions of citation. Focus and precision in responding to essay assignments and exam questions by analyzing, selecting and synthesizing relevant information from sources. Critical analysis of short literary works.
FLED 106 Developing Communicative Competence in English (3+2+0) 3 ECTS 8
(İngilizce İletişim Yetisinin Geliştirilmesi )
Effective use of English in a variety of oral activities (e.g. interviews, presentations and debates) that require clarity of expression and critical assessment of others’ positions.
FLED 126 Community Service Practices in Foreign Language Education (1+0+4) 3 ECTS 6
(Yabancı Dil Eğitiminde Topluma Hizmet Uygulamaları)
Introducing students to the school environment, students and the English teaching profession. Observing different aspects of the educational process: school organization, school administration, daily routines, school-family cooperation, school resources, problems and expectations of the community, under the supervision of a mentor. Enhancement of conference and seminar attendance on school and community related issues.
FLED 201 Survey of Applied Linguistics (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Uygulamalı Dilbilime Genel Bakış)
Introduction to major subfields of applied linguistics. Theoretical and methodological issues in various domains of applied linguistics, including first and second language acquisition and language impairment.
FLED 211 English Language Awareness (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 7
(İngilizce Dil Bilinci)
Introduction to the contemporary English, with a focus on morphology and syntax. Analysis of the forms and functions of English structures. Raising awareness of different aspects of communicative competence in English.
Prerequisite: LING 101
FLED 212 Second Language Learning (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(İkinci Dil Öğrenimi)
Introduction to theoretical approaches to second/foreign language learning/acquisition. Overview of conceptual issues in second language learning in naturalistic settings and in the classroom. Neurolinguistic and psycholinguistic factors in second language learning.
Prerequisite: FLED 201 or consent of the instructor.
FLED 218 Research Methods in Applied Linguistics (2+0+2) 3 ECTS 7
(Uygulamalı Dilbilimde Araştırma Yöntemleri)
Basic concepts and techniques in quantitative and qualitative research. Common research methods in applied linguistics. Research areas in applied linguistics.
FLED 224 Second Language Teaching Methods (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(İkinci Dil Öğretim Yöntemleri)
Survey of principal approaches and methods used in second language teaching, their theoretical foundations, and techniques employed in their implementation
Prerequisite: FLED 212 or consent of the instructor
FLED 306 Childhood Bilingualism and Bilingual Education (3+0+0) 3 ECTS: 4
(Erken Çocukluk Döneminde İkidillilik ve İkidilli Eğitim)
Theory and practice in teaching a second/foreign language to young learners. Simultaneous and successive/sequential bilingualism. Models of bilingual education. Classroom practices for young learners: task/theme/story-based language teaching, games and songs; computer-assisted language teaching.
.FLED 314 The Use of Drama in Foreign Language Education (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 4
(Yabancı Dil Eğitiminde Tiyatro'nun Kullanılması)
Improving communicative competence for the theater and the EFL classroom by developing knowledge of kinesics, semiotics, pragmatics and appropriacy in communication. Improving students' overall linguistic competence and self-confidence by exemplifying techniques and possibilities of using drama in education for students future EFL educators. Improvisation, interaction, speech activities and individual or group presentations based on selected drama passages. Participation in writing and performing a one-act play as an end-of-semester project.
FLED 315 Sociolinguistics and English Language Education (3+0+2) 4 ECTS6
(Toplumdilbilim ve İngiliz Dili Eğitimi)
Language in its sociocultural contexts. Social factors in current uses of English in relation to language contact, intercultural communication, and linguistic landscape and their implications for teaching and learning English.
FLED 316 Varieties of English (3+0+0) 3 ECTS: 4
(İngilizcenin Türleri)
Development and diversification of varieties of English such as British, American, and Indian English. Factors that determine the emergence of Englishes. Linguistic, cultural, and ideological issues related to the diverse uses of English worldwide, including various World Englishes and English as a lingua franca.
FLED 317 Theoretical Foundations of Language Skills (3+0+0) 3 ECTS: 4
(Dil Becerilerinin Kuramsal Temelleri)
Reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills in a second language: theoretical perspectives and models. Integrating language skills. Macro and micro language skills. Cognitive and metacognitive strategies. Individual differences in language skill development.
Prerequisite: FLED 212 or consent of the instructor.
FLED 318 Teaching Second Language Skills (3+0+0) 3 ECTS: 5
(İkinci Dil Becerilerinin Öğretimi)
Methods and techniques in teaching reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Concepts and principles of integrated language teaching. Development of syllabi and lesson plans. Peer teaching in the classroom, followed by peer evaluation under the supervision of the instructor.
Prerequisite: FLED 317
FLED 323 Teaching Second Language Grammar (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 4
(İkinci Dilin Dilbilgisinin Öğretimi)
Theoretical and practical perspectives on teaching grammar. The role of grammar in language teaching. Individual and contextual factors influencing the effectiveness of grammar instruction. Techniques of teaching grammar in the language class.
Prerequisite: FLED 224 or consent of the instructor
FLED 324 Literature in English Language Education (3+1+0) 3 ECTS 6
(İngiliz Dili Eğitiminde Edebiyat)
Late 20th and 21st century literatures in English. Study of the representative works produces in various contexts and in genres such as short story, novel, drama, poetry, and non-fiction. Analysis of texts from American, British, and postcolonial literatures within their historical, political, and socio-cultural frameworks. Developing teaching materials using various genres and modes of literary texts for foreign language classrooms and application of these materials through peer teaching.
FLED 401 The Use of Literary Texts in TEFL (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 6
(İngilizcenin Yabancı Dil Olarak Öğretiminde Edebiyat Metinlerinin Kullanımı)
Examination of literary texts as motivating language material. Application of various language based activities to literary texts through peer teaching.
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.
FLED 403 Practice Teaching in English as a Foreign Language I (2+1+3) 4 ECTS 9
(İngilizcenin Yabancı Dil Olarak Öğretiminde Uygulama I)
Providing teacher candidates with on-site classroom observations and teaching experience in selected primary, secondary and high schools. Helping teacher candidates improve their teaching abilities through close supervision and feedback sessions. Encouraging teacher candidates to reflect on their teaching experience through critical appraisal and discussion of their teaching performance.
Prerequisite: FLED 318 or consent of the instructor.
FLED 411 Technology-Enhanced Language Teaching (4+1+0) 4 ECTS 7
(Teknoloji Destekli Dil Öğretimi)
Theoretical and pedagogical considerations in the use of technology in second/foreign language learning and teaching. Evaluation, selection and integration of computer applications and online resources for developing language teaching materials for various learning situations.
FLED 412 Practice Teaching in English as a Foreign Language II (2+1+3) 4 ECTS 9
(İngilizcenin Yabancı Dil Olarak Öğretiminde Uygulama II)
Observation and supervision of carefully prepared student teaching in selected schools followed by critical appraisal.
Prerequisite: FLED 403 or consent of the instructor.
FLED 413 Language Assessment (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 7
(Dil Becerisinin Sınanması)
Theories of measurement, evaluation, and assessment. Construction and evaluation of tests for assessing second language skills. Reliability, validity, and backwash. Statistical analysis of test scores and interpretation of results.
FLED 416 Seminar on Practice Teaching in EFL (2+0+4) 4 ECTS 6
(Öğretmenlik Uygulaması Semineri)
Providing students with an opportunity to reflect on their school experience with their peers and supervisor and use the feedback received to develop their personal teaching styles.
Prerequisite: FLED 403
Corequisite: FLED 412
FLED 417 English as a Lingua Franca-Aware Teacher Education (4+1+0) 4 ECTS: 8
(Ortak Dil olarak İngilizce Farkındalığına Dayalı Öğretmen Eğitimi)
A brief history of the spread of modern English around the world. The hegemony of English on a world scale, the varieties of English around the world, English as an international language and English as a lingua franca. Pedagogical implications of English as a lingua franca in English language teaching and teacher education.
Prerequisite: FLED 315 or consent of the instructor.
FLED 418 Advanced Studies in Bilingualism (3+0+0) 3 ECTS: 5
(İki Dillilikte İleri Araştırmalar)
Theoretical and methodological issues in child and adult bilingualism research. Analysis of neurocognitive, linguistic, and extralinguistic factors in early and late bilingualism, with a focus on the acquisition of morphosyntax.
FLED 480-489 Special Topics in English Language Education (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 4
(İngiliz Dili Eğitiminde Özel Konular)
Special topics of current interest in English Language Education.FLED 490-499 Special Studies in English Language Education (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 4
(İngiliz Dili Eğitiminde Özel Çalışmalar)
Special studies in English Language Education selected to suit the individual interests of the students.