Web Site of the Department
Acting Head of Department: Berat Açıl
Associate Department Head:
Professors: Günay Kut†, Fatma Yılmaz, Halim Kara, Fatih Usluer, Berat Açıl
Associate Professors: Fatih Altuğ, Tülay Gençtürk Demircioğlu, Erol Köroğlu, Zeynep Uysal, Arzu Çiftoğlu Çubuk*
Assistant Professors: Olcay Akyıldız, Nazlı İpek Hüner Cora, Zeynep Oktay, Veysel Öztürk, Gülşah Taşkın
Instructors: Elif Uluğ, Zekiye Ceyda Arslan Kechriotis, Handan Konar*, Aydın Söylemez*, Ülkü Akçay*, Zeynep Ertürk*
Assistants: Arif Can Topçuoğlu, Fatih Aşan, Hüsna Baka Dalp, Sevgin Özer, Şule Pire
† Professor Emeritus
The undergraduate program at the Department of Turkish Language and Literature aims to examine Turkish language and literature in their historical, cultural, social, political, and economic contexts focusing on primary texts in a variety of literary genres and historical periods. From an interdisciplinary and comparative perspective, students explore Turkish language and literature as well as literary history and criticism, critical theory, and linguistics. Our program provides students with the necessary knowledge and skills to integrate their study of Turkish language and literature with world literatures and languages across cultures.
In the first two years of the undergraduate program, students acquire skills in Ottoman and modern Turkish as both research languages and objects of research. They become familiar with the major aspects of Ottoman and modern Turkish literature, while learning the methods and theories of literary analysis. Later our courses critically examine various topics, periods, writers and issues of Turkish literature using specific literary texts. With humanities and social science electives taken from other departments within the university, students are enabled to place their knowledge in Turkish literature within a broader historical framework and acquire a more extensive critical vision. The curriculum is designed in a way that offers courses in both Turkish and English in order to facilitate the students to master Turkish language literature while making it possible for them to follow international scholarship on Turkish literature as well as world-wide literary studies. Their command of primary research languages enables them to take part in the production of knowledge in both languages.
Following Boğaziçi University’s liberal arts tradition, our diverse curriculum teaches the critical skills of analyzing literary texts and writing about them. They learn to combine their skills in critical reading and writing with research skills enabling them to understand texts, periods and movements in their historical and social contexts. This way our students are exposed to different areas of study and different ways of learning and thinking. They gain insight into the intersections between the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences as well as the experience necessary to work in diverse careers and pursue degrees in graduate programs.
Educational goals and objectives
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü lisans, yüksek lisans ve doktora düzeylerinde eğitim verir. Lisans ve lisansüstü programlarımız edebiyat metinlerini karşılaştırmalı ve disiplinlerarası bir yaklaşımla inceler ve yakın okumayı tarihsel ve kuramsal analizlerle birleştirir. Eğitimimiz geçmiş ve bugünkü Türk dili ve edebiyatı meselelerini diğer bilimlerin birikimleri ile beraber ele alır. Bölümümüzde bir disiplin olarak dil ve edebiyatın yöntem ve birikimleri, diğer sosyal ve beşeri bilim alanlarıyla etkileşim içinde, disiplinlerarası yaklaşımlarla ve başka edebî geleneklerle diyalog halinde öğrenilir. Öğrencilerimizi bu çok yönlü öğrenime, hem ulusal hem de uluslararası boyutlarda akademik etkileşime açık bir öğretim kadrosu yönlendirir. Böylece öğrencilerimiz, farklı çalışma alanlarına dair birikimlerini çeşitli öğrenme ve düşünme biçimleriyle harmanlarlar. Beşeri bilimler, sosyal bilimler ve doğa bilimleri arasındaki kesişimler hakkında fikir edinirken bir yandan da farklı alanlarda çalışabilmek ve başarılı araştırmacılar olmak için deneyim kazanırlar.
Admission and special requirements
Lisans ÖSYM Merkezi sınav ile gelenler, yatay geçişler için en az 12 kredi bölümden ders saydırabilmeleri, yüksek lisans ve doktora sınavlarında bilim sınavı ve mülakatı geçmek. . Lisansüstü eğitim için ALES, İngilizce Yeterlilik ve Genel Not ortalaması
Acknowledgement of previous learning
Graduation requirements
Lisans mezuniyeti için 141 kredi, en az 2.00 ve üzeri not ortalaması, yüksek lisans 21 kredi, en az 3.00 ve üzeri not ortalaması; doktora 25/28 kredi , en az 3.50 ve üzeri not ortalaması
Program learning outcomes
- Türkçe edebiyat metinlerini eleştirel ve akademik bir yaklaşımla okumak, incelemek ve değerlendirmek, analitik ve eleştirel düşünme ve soru sorma yetkinliği kazanmak.
- Türkçe edebiyat metinlerini disiplinlerarası ve karşılaştırmalı kapsamda, edebiyat tarihi, edebiyat sosyolojisi gibi alanlardan ve güncel edebiyat kuramlarından yardım alarak tarihsel, kültürel ve politik bağlamda ele alıp tartışabilmek.
- Türkçe edebiyat metinlerini üretildikleri dönemin koşullarını ve tarihsel bağlamı göz önünde bulundurarak yorumlayıp edebiyat tarihi içerisinde konumlandırabilmek. Metinlerin Türkçe edebiyat metinlerinin üretim koşullarını etkileyen olayları, fikirleri, gelişmeleri değerlendirebilmek ve bu süreçlerin edebi eserlerle ilişkisini kurabilmek.
- Tarih boyunca Türkçe edebiyatı oluşturan farklı türden metinleri akademik bir yaklaşımla inceleyebilmek için mevcut analitik ve metodolojik yaklaşımları öğrenmek.
- Farklı akademik metin analiz yöntemlerini ve kuramsal yaklaşımları farklı tür ve dönemlerden metinlerin incelenmesinde kullanabilmek.
- Türkçenin tarihsel gelişimi, yapısı ve çağdaş Türk lehçeleri hakkında bilgi edinmek.
- Dil, dilbilgisi ve dilbilim kavramlarının yanı sıra Türkçenin sözcük yapısını, tümce yapısını, sözcük türlerini ve gruplarını tanımak; sesbilim, sesbilgisi, biçimbilim ve anlambilim özelliklerini öğrenmek.
- Farklı dönemlerde yazılmış Türkçe metinleri kelime dağarcığı, dilbilgisi ve üslup yönünden ele alma ve inceleme becerisi edinmek.
- Osmanlı Türkçesini rahatça okuyup anlayabilecek, araştırma yaparken Osmanlı Türkçesiyle yazılmış metinlerden faydalanabilecek kelime ve dilbilgisi birikimi edinmek.
- Akademik etik ilkeleri doğrultusunda yazım, tartışma ve sunum becerilerini geliştirmek ve bu alanda uygulamalarla deneyim kazanmak.
TYYÇ Ulusal Yeterlikler
TYYÇ Alan Yeterlikleri
First Semester |
Cr. |
TKL 101 |
Ottoman Turkish I |
4 |
6 |
TKL 103 |
Turk. Lang. Gram. I |
3 |
5 |
TKL 107 |
Int. Text. Analysis |
3 |
5 |
LING 101 |
Int. to Language and Linguistics I |
3 |
7 |
AE 101/AE 111/HSS Elective* |
English for Academic Purposes I / Critical Skills in English I / HSS |
3 |
3./5 |
16 |
26/28 |
Second Semester |
Cr. |
TKL 102 |
Ottoman Turkish II |
4 |
6 |
TKL 104 |
Turk.Lang. Gram II |
3 |
5 |
TKL 108 |
Turkish Writing Techn. |
3 |
6 |
HSS -- |
HSS Elect. |
3 |
5 |
AE 102/AE 112/HSS Elective** |
English for Academic Purposes II / Critical Skills in English II / HSS |
3 |
4./5 |
16 |
26/27 |
Third Semester |
Cr. |
TKL 201 |
Research Meth. in Turk. Lit. |
3 |
4 |
TKL 204 |
Genres in Divan Lit |
3 |
6 |
TKL 211 |
Mod. in Turk. Lit. I |
3 |
6 |
TKL 213 |
Turkic Lang&Dial. I |
3 |
5 |
HIST 235 |
Ottoman Cult. Hist. |
3 |
5 |
PHIL 111 |
Int. to Anci. Med. Phil. |
3 |
6 |
18 |
32 |
Fourth Semester |
Cr. |
TKL 205 |
Methods of Analy. Divan Poet. |
3 |
6 |
TKL 212 |
Modern. in Turk. Lit II |
3 |
5 |
TKL 214 |
Turkic Lang.&Dialects II |
3 |
5 |
TKL 217 |
Old Anatolian Turkish |
3 |
5 |
PHIL 112 |
Int. to Modern Phil. |
3 |
6 |
-- |
Comp. Elective |
3 |
5 |
18 |
32 |
Fifth Semester |
Cr. |
TKL 301 |
Lit. Th. Prac. Crit.I |
3 |
5 |
TKL 309 |
Turk. Poet. in the Repub. Period |
3 |
5 |
TKL 311 |
Turk. Folk Lit. I |
3 |
5 |
TKL 313 |
Divan Literature I |
3 |
6 |
SCI -- |
Science Elective |
3 |
5 |
HSS -- |
HSS Elective |
3 |
5 |
HTR 311 |
Hist. of Turk. Rep. I |
2 |
3 |
20 |
34 |
Sixth Semester |
Cr. |
TKL 302 |
Lit. Th. & Prac. Crit. II |
3 |
5 |
TKL 312 |
Turk. Folk Literature II |
3 |
5 |
TKL 314 |
Divan Literature II |
3 |
6 |
LING 314 |
Syntax and Semantics of Modern Turkish |
3 |
7 |
SCI -- |
Science Elective |
3 |
5 |
HTR 312 |
Hist. of Turk. Rep. II |
2 |
3 |
17 |
31 |
Seventh Semester |
Cr. |
TKL 409 |
Prose in Old Turkish Literature |
3 |
5 |
TKL 414 |
Tanzimat Novel |
3 |
5 |
TKL 433 |
Short Story in Mod. Turkish Lit. |
3 |
5 |
TKL -- |
Dept. Elective |
3 |
5 |
-- -- |
Unrestricted Elective |
3 |
5 |
-- -- |
Unrestricted Elective |
3 |
6 |
18 |
31 |
Eighth Semester |
Cr. |
HSS -- |
HSS Elective |
3 |
5 |
TKL 434 |
Novel in Modern Turkish Literature |
3 |
6 |
TKL -- |
Dept. Elective |
3 |
5 |
TKL -- |
Dept. Elective |
3 |
5 |
-- -- |
Unrestricted Elective |
3 |
5 |
-- -- |
Unrestricted Elective |
3 |
5 |
18 |
31 |
Total Credits: 141
Total ECTS: 242/245
* Students whose Proficiency Exam score is C are required to take AE 101, while students whose Proficiency Exam score is C+ are required to take AE 111. Students whose Proficiency Exam score is A or B are required to take an at least 3-credit HSS Elective course.
**Students whose Proficiency Exam score is C are required to take AE 102, while students whose Proficiency Exam score is C+ are required to take AE 112. Students whose Proficiency Exam score is A or B are required to take an at least 3-credit HSS Elective course.
TKL 101 Ottoman Turkish I (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 6
(Osmanlı Türkçesi I)
Rules and practice of Turkish spelling in the Arabic script in both old and modern texts. Differences in writing between Turkish words and words of Arabic and Persian origin. Intensive reading of Ottoman Turkish in print.
TKL 102 Ottoman Turkish II (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 6
(Osmanlı Türkçesi II)
Grammatical rules, words and phrases in Turkish usage adopted from Persian and Arabic.
Prerequisite: TKL 101
TKL 103 Turkish Language and Grammar I (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Türk Dili ve Grameri I)
A survey of the concept language and languages of the world; comparison of traditional and modern linguistic approaches, classification of the Turkic languages, the historical development of Turkish, phonetics, phonology and morphology of modern Turkish.
TKL 104 Turkish Language and Grammar II (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Türk Dili ve Grameri II)
Analysis of the word structure, word types and groups, sentence structure and the semantic features of Turkish, by studying texts from contemporary Turkish literature.
TKL 107 Introduction to Textual Analysis (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Metin Çözümlemesine Giriş)
Introduction to reading, analysis, interpretation and study of literature by using literary works (poems, fiction and plays) from a variety of time periods in Turkish literature. Survey of tools, methods and insights necessary to read literary works critically. Introduction to literary analysis and criticism, the key concepts, terms and periods in Turkish literature. (In English)
TKL 108 Turkish Writing Techniques (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Türkçe Yazma Teknikleri)
Introduction to basic elements of writing such as developing a proposition, paragraph structure and outline, writing argumentative essays on Turkish literature. Intensive writing exercises on argumentation techniques as well as writing critical essays. Development of writing skills in writing essays that criticize, evaluate and analyze works of literature.
TKL 201 Research Methods in Turkish Literature (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 4
(Türk Edebiyatında Araştırma Yöntemleri)
Theoretical and practical training in library research, methods of research, preparation of papers, and bibliographical sources.
TKL 204 Genres in Divan Literature (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Divan Edebiyatında Türler)
The poetics of Divan poetry; characteristics of various genrens of Turkish poetry and prose between the 14th and the 19th centuries.
Prerequisite: TKL 102.
TKL 205 Methods of Analysing Divan Poetry (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Divan Şiirini Çözümleme Yöntemleri)
Methods of analysing Divan poetry in terms of mechanisms of thinking, language, expression and content.
Prerequisite: TKL 102.
TKL 206 Modern Turkish Literature in English Translation (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(İngilizce Çevirilerden Modern Türk Edebiyatı)
A critical study of modern Turkish literature in its historical, political, social and cultural settings from the mid-19th century to the present. Examining selections of fiction, plays and poetry by a number of Turkish authors available in English by using contemporary literary methods and theories. Familiarizing foreign students at Boğaziçi University with the major trends, authors, works, genres, themes and concepts of modern Turkish literature.
For non-Turkish speakers.
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.
TKL 211 Modernization in Turkish Literature I (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Türk Edebiyatında Çağdaşlaşma I)
The rise of modern genres in Turkish literature such as journalism, modern poetry, drama, short story and novel with specific emphasis on Westernization. A general survey of modernization movements and the social and political events of the 19th century up to 1908 in relation to primary texts. (In English)
TKL 212 Modernization in Turkish Literature II (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Türk Edebiyatında Çağdaşlaşma II)
The rise of nationalism in Turkish literature through social and political events between 1908 and 1940. Study of texts from the period of national literature. (In English)
TKL 213 Turkic Languages and Dialects I (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Türk Dilleri ve Lehçeleri I)
Classification of historical Turkish dialects and a comparative study of language by reading Gokturk and Uighur texts, Karahan and Kharezm Turkish and selected texts from works written in these dialects.
Prerequisites: TKL 101, TKL 102, TKL 103, TKL 104.
TKL 214 Turkic Languages and Dialects II (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Türk Dilleri ve Lehçeleri II)
A comparative language study by reading texts selected from works written in Chagatay, Kipchak and old Anatolian Turkish. The general classification of Modern Turkic dialects with the transition to modern Turkish (spoken in Turkey).
Prerequisites: TKL 102, TKL 103, TKL 104.
TKL 215 Ottoman Paleography I (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Osmanlı Paleografyası I)
Intensive study on the samples from historical and literary texts such as Evliya Çelebi Seyahatnamesi, Peçevi Tarihi, Saltukname with special emphasis on Arabic and Persian elements and grammatical characteristics of Ottoman Turkish.
Prerequisites: TKL 101, TKL 102.
TKL 216 Ottoman Paleography II (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Osmanlı Paleografyası II)
Various hand writings such as dîvanî, tâlik, rik'a, celî; and applied study on official documentations such as ferman, berat, fetva, senet, vakfiye, diploma.
Prerequisite: TKL 215.
TKL 217 Old Anatolian Turkish (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Eski Anadolu Türkçesi)
The phonological, morphological, syntactic and semantic analysis of Turkish within the 13th and 15th centuries by working on sample texts written during those centuries.
Prerequisite: TKL 102.
TKL 301 Literary Theory and Practical Criticsm I (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 4
(Edebiyat Kurumları ve Uygulamalı Eleştiri I)
A survey of major critical approaches up to the twentieth century, from Aristotle's Poetics to Romanticism, with attempts to analyze and define the function of literature with examples from Turkish literature. (In English)
Prerequisites: PHIL 111, PHIL 112.
TKL 302 Literary Theory and Practical Criticsm II (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Edebiyat Kurumları ve Uygulamalı Eleştiri II)
A survey of twentieth century literary theories along with modernism and postmodernism. Study of twentieth century Turkish literary texts according to these. Discussion of the place of Turkish literature within the context of world literature. (In English)
Prerequisites: PHIL 111, PHIL 112.
TKL 309 Turkish Poetry in the Republican Period (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türk Şiiri)
Study of the development of Turkish poetry from 1923 onwards based on the contemporary social and intellectual developments, with examples of poetry from major poets.
TKL 311 Turkish Folk Literature I (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Türk Halk Edebiyatı I)
Analysis of different types of Turkish epics. Dede Korkut tales, folk stories, the tradition of story telling (meddahlik), legends, tales, Karagöz (shadow theatre), and Ortaoyunu (popular theater), riddles, proverbs and popular sayings.
TKL 312 Turkish Folk Literature II (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 4
(Türk Halk Edebiyatı II)
Analysis of different types of Turkish folk poetry; development of oral poetry composed or improvised by minstrels through the centuries.
TKL 313 Divan Literature I (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Divan Edebiyatı I)
The lives and works of the major poets and writers of Divan literature between the 13th and the 15th centuries within the framework of historical and social characteristic of each period.
Prerequisites: TKL 204, TKL 205.
TKL 314 Divan Literature II (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Divan Edebiyatı II)
The lives and works of the major poets and writers of Divan literature between the 15th and the 19th centuries.
Prerequisites: TKL 204, TKL 205.
TKL 341 Classics of Eastern Literatures and Turkish Literature (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 4
(Doğu Edebiyatının Klasikleri ve Türk Edebiyatı)
Study of selected texts from the masterpieces of eastern literatures in order to evaluate Turkish literature from a broad perspective of world literature.
TKL 342 Classics of Western Literatures and Turkish Literature (3+0+0) 3
(Batı Edebiyatının Klasikleri ve Türk Edebiyatı)
Study of selected texts from the masterpieces of western literatures in order to evaluate Turkish literature from a broad perspective of world literature.
TKL 372 Servet-i Fünun Literature (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 4
(Servet-i Fünun Edebiyatı)
Introduction to the short story and the novel of the Servet-i Fünun era. Study of works by prominent writers of the era such as Halit Ziya, Mehmet Rauf, Hüseyin Cahit, Ahmet Hikmet.
TKL 373 Contemporary Turkic Literatures I (3+0+0) 3
(Çağdaş Türki Edebiyatlar I)
A study of the development of modern genres and trends, such as journalism, modern poetry, drama, short story and the novel in Turkic literatures in their political, cultural, historical and intellectual contexts.
TKL 374 Contemporary Turkic Literatures II (3+0+0) 3
(Çağdaş Türki Edebiyatlar II)
Analysis of the works of contemporary Turkic writers from a comparative perspective. Development and application of socialist realism by these writers.
TKL 375 Intellectual Identity in 20th Century Turkish Literature (3+0+0) 3
(20. Yüzyıl Türk Edebiyatında Aydın Kimliği)
The reflection of the identity of the intellectual in 20th century Turkish literature. The introduction of the "intellectual" called "münevver" in Turkish socio-political agenda since the Tanzimat. An examination of how the concept of "mürsit" (wise old man) in the traditional Ottoman society transforms into "münevver" and how this differs from the Western "intellectual". Emphasis on 20th century Turkish writers and their works.
TKL 380-399 Special Topics in Turkish Language and Literature (3+0+0) 3
(Türk Dilinde ve Edebiyatlarında Özel Konular)
An in-depth study of selected topics in old and modern Turkish Literature and an in-depth study of special topics in Turkic Language and Literatures.
TKL 401 Turkish Novel After 1980 (3+0+0) 3
(1980'den Sonra Türk Romanı)
Study of selected Turkish novels written after 1980 within the context of contemporary novel techniques.
TKL 402 Turkish Theater (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Türk Tiyatrosu)
Study of traditional Turkish theater, and Tanzimat, Mesrutiyet and Cumhuriyet theatre texts within the context of playwrights and theatre groups.
TKL 403 Women Writers in the Late Ottoman Period (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Son Dönem Osmanlı Kadın Yazarları)
Study of women writers of the late Ottoman period and their works.
TKL 404 Women Writers in Modern Turkish Literature (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Yeni Türk Edebiyatında Kadın Yazarlar)
Study of women writers and their works from the standpoint of feminist criticism.
TKL 405 Mysticism in Turkish Literature (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Türk Edebiyatında Tasavvuf)
The genesis and expansion of mysticism in Islam, the appearance of sects and its impact on literature. Turkish sects and their literature with specific emphasis on style, form and topic. Samples selected from the poets of Ahmet Yesevî, Sultan Veled, Yunus Emre, Kaygusuz Abdal, Nesimi, Esrefoglu Rumî.
TKL 406 Menakipnames (Saints' Lives) in Turkish Literature (3+0+0) 3
(Türk Edebiyatinda Menakipnameler)
The study of menakipnames (literary genres related to the lives and legends of sufis of Islam, through a historical and sociological perspective. The development of legendary works) with consideration of the historical and cultural context in which they are produced.
TKL 407 Turkish Mythology (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 4
(Türk Mitolojisi)
The study of Turkish myth and legend. A survey of the characteristic phases of Turkish thought and religions by using old literary and historical material. The comparative treatment of the mythologies of other cultures with consideration of basic mythological themes and motifs.
TKL 409 Prose in Old Turkish Literature (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Eski Türk Edebiyatında Nesir)
A study of narrative techniques and strategies in old Turkish prose. Examination of the development of various prose forms (epics, stories, memoirs, biographies, histories and genealogies, travel accounts, reports of the ambassadors) with regard to the aesthetic values and social changes of different periods from the 14th to the 19th century.
TKL 410 Story in Old Turkish Literature (3+0+0) 3
(Eski Türk Edebiyatında Hikaye)
The study of famous story collections in old Turkish literature such as Kirk Vezir Hikayeleri (Stories of Forty Viziers), Kelile Dimne, Bahtiyarname, Tutiname, with emphasis on stylistic and narrative properties.
TKL 411 Azeri Turkish (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 4
(Azeri Türkçesi)
Teaching the grammar of the Azeri language by working on literary texts from various modern Azeri writers alongside the classical material.
TKL 412 Moral and Political Books of Old Turkish Literature (3+0+0) 3
(Eski Türk Edebiyatında Ahlak ve Siyaset Kitapları)
A study of the content of books on politics which give advice to rulers and statesmen and books on morality which advice ordinary people about their daily life within the framework of social and political feedbacks. The assessment of the narrative strategies and characteristics of these works with consideration of the tendencies of the period in which they were written.
TKL 413 Literary Translation into Turkish: 1850-1900 (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 4
(Türkçeye Yapılan Edebiyat Çevirileri: 1850-1900)
A systemic study of translations from the European languages into Ottoman Turkish in the Tanzimat and post-Tanzimat periods, between 1850 and 1900. (In English)
TKL 414 Tanzimat Novel (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Tanzimat Romanı)
Study of the first Turkish novels, Tanzimat novels, with respect to style and content.
TKL 418 History of Calligraphy (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 3
(Hat Sanatı Tarihi)
The history of writing in ancient civilizations and in Islamic era. The development of aesthetic rules and Ottoman calligraphy with special emphasis on Turkish calligraphers and their works.
TKL 433 Short Story in Modern Turkish Literature (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 4
(Modern Türk Edebiyatında Kısa Hikaye)
History of the short story in Turkish literature starting from the Tanzimat period. The study of short stories by prominent writers.
TKL 434 Novel in Modern Turkish Literature (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Modern Türk Edebiyatında Roman)
Study of novels written after 1940 in relation to political and social developments.
TKL 451 Anatolian Dialects (3+0+0) 3
(Anadolu Ağızları)
The classification of Anatolian dialects and their linguistic properties by studying collected texts written in these dialects.
TKL 452 Turkish Lexicography (3+0+0) 3
(Türk Sözlükçülüğü)
The analysis of dictionaries written from the Karahan period up to the present; the stages they have undergone, the ways they have been organized and their word lists.
TKL 453 The History of Turkish Grammar (3+0+0) 3
(Türk Gramer Tarihi)
The analysis and comparison of grammar books written from the Karahan period up to the present and the stages they have undergone. A general look at the history of Turkish grammar.
TKL 454 Interlinearly Translated Works (3+0+0) 3
(Satırarası Çeviri Eserler)
The analysis of works translated interlinearly in two or three languages which have been very important in the history of Turkish language from the 11th century onwards.
TKL 465 Mathnawi in Old Turkish Literature (3+0+0) 3
(Eski Türk Edebiyatında Mesnevi)
The mathnawi from and its characteristics. The works written in the mathnawi from (romance, historical, theological-mystical, epic works etc.) in old Turkish literature beginning from the 13th century, and contextual variations between them.
TKL 467 Chagatay Literature (3+0+0) 3
(Çağatay Edebiyatı)
The grammatical properties of Chagatay language. The examination of the works of major Chatagay poets and writers such as Ali Sir Nevaî, Lutfî, Sekkakî.
TKL 472 Ahmet Mithat and Narrative (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Ahmet Mithat ve Anlatı)
Investigation of the first Turkish novelist Ahmet Mithat's understanding of the narrative through his novels and short stories.
TKL 473 Modernist Turkish Fiction (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Türk Edebiyatında Modernist Kurmaca)
Examining the development and application of modernist fiction in contemporary Turkish literature in comparative perspective.
TKL 474 Historical Novel in Turkish Literature (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Türk Edebiyatında Tarihsel Roman)
Definitions, development and theoretical framework of the historical novel as a literary genre. Historical Turkish novels that are representative of different periods, starting from Tanzimat. The development of this genre up to date.
TKL 477 Gender and Sexuality in Orientalist and Occidentalist Texts
(Oryantalist ve Oksidantalist Metinlerde Cinsellik ve Cinsiyet) (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
Analysis of the construction of otherness by using gender and sexuality in texts that deal with the "other" (travel writings, letters, novels etc.). Comparison of the texts from Turkish literature with orientalist texts. Theoretical discussions about alteritist discourses.
TKL 478 Mythology in Modern Turkish Literature (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Modern Türk Edebiyatında Mitoloji)
A general survey of mythology. Study of literary works of Turkish literature that make use of eastern or western mythologies from Tanzimat to our day within the context of mythologies and comparison with similar texts.
TKL 480-499 Special Topics in Turkish Language and Literatures (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Türk Dilinde ve Edebiyatlarında Özel Konular)
An in-depth study of selected topics in old and modern Turkish Literature and an in-depth study of special topics in Turkish Language and Literatures.
TKF 111 Elementary Turkish for Foreigners I (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 6
(Yabancılar için Başlangıç Düzeyi Türkçe I)
Fundamentals of Turkish phonology and simple sentence structures through grammar exercises and controlled vocabulary relevant to basic communicative needs of students.
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
TKF 112 Elementary Turkish for Foreigners II (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 6
(Yabancılar için Başlangıç Düzeyi Türkçe II)
A study on the simple sentence structure of Turkish with special emphasis on tenses, case endings and certain structures necessary for fluent communication.
Prerequisite: TK 111 or consent of instructor.
TKF 211 Intermediate Turkish for Foreigners I (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 6
(Yabancılar için Orta Düzey Türkçe I)
A study on intermediate level of Turkish designed to introduce more complex aspects of the language by working on compound tenses and possesive constructions, and to provide practice with extended vocabulary.
Prerequisite: TK 112 or consent of instructor.
TKF 212 Intermediate Turkish for Foreigners II (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 6
(Yabancılar için Orta Düzey Türkçe II)
A study on intermediate level of Turkish providing the analysis complex sentence structures of the language with emphasis on extending vocabulary which aims to provide the basic skills of reading articles and essays written in Turkish.
Prerequisite: TK 211 or consent of instructor.
TKF 217 Intermediate Reading inTurkish I (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Yabancılar için Orta Düzey Türkçe Okuma I)
Enhancement of Turkish reading skills through texts with controlled vocabulary.
Prerequisite: TK 212 or consent of the instructor.
TKF 218 Intermediate Reading inTurkish II (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Yabancılar için Orta Düzey Türkçe Okuma II)
Enhancement of Turkish reading skills through texts with controlled vocabulary, emphasizing writing.
Prerequisite: TK 212 or consent of the instructor.
TKF 315 Advanced Turkish Grammar for Foreigners I (3+1+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Yabancılar için İleri Düzey Türkçe Dilbilgisi I)
Advanced study of Turkish designed to provide complete mastery of the complex aspects of Turkish with an emphasis on morphology, and syntax of the language. Development of writing skills via studying letters, petitions, invitations, and curriculum vitae in Turkish.
Prerequisite: TK 212 or consent of the instructor.
TKF 316 Advanced Turkish Grammar for Foreigners II (3+1+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Yabancılar için İleri Düzey Türkçe Dilbilgisi II)
Study of more complex syntactic structures of the Turkish language. Development of verbal skills via the use of idioms in the language.
Prerequisite: TK 315 or consent of the instructor.
TKF 317 Advanced Readings in Turkish for Foreigners I (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Yabancılar için İleri Düzeyde Türkçe Okuma I)
A study of Turkish short stories, poems, articles and essays written from 1920's up to the present.
Prerequisite: TK 316 on consent of instructor.
TKF 318 Advanced Readings in Turkish for Foreigners II (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
(Yabancılar için İleri Düzeyde Türkçe Okuma II)
Further study of Turkish short stories, poems, articles and essays written from 1920's up to the present.
Prerequisite: TK 317 on consent of instructor.
AR 201 Arabic I (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Arapça I)
The alphabet, word structure, phonology and morphology of Arabic. An applied study on selected texts from classical and modern Arabic works. Arabic expressions, compounds and quoted sentences used in Ottoman Turkish.
AR 202 Arabic II (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Arapça II)
Word groups, word types and sentence structure (syntax) of Arabic. An applied study on selected texts from classical and modern Arabic works. Arabic expressions, compounds and quoted sentences used in Ottoman Turkish.
Prerequisite: AR 201 or consent of instructor.
AR 203 Arabic III (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Arapça III)
Continuation (from AR 202) of Arabic grammar. Introduction to extended forms of the verb, including passive and middle voices. Additional noun and adjectival patterns. Conditional sentences. Short readings from classical Arabic literature, including Qur'an and Hadith, historical and philosophical texts, etc.
Prerequisite: AR 202 or consent of instructor.
AR 204 Arabic IV (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Arapça IV)
Continuation (from AR 203) of Arabic grammar. Further extended forms of the verb, including quadriliterals. Additional noun and adjectival patterns. Ordinal numbers and the abjad system. Fyrther reading in classical Arabic literature, including Qur'an and Hadith, historical and philosophical texts, etc.
Prerequisite: AR 203 or consent of instructor.
PER 201 Persian I (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Farsça I)
The alphabet, word structure, phology and morphology of Persian. An applied study on selected texts from classical and modern Persian works. Persian elements in Ottoman Turkish.
PER 202 Persian II (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Farsça II)
Word groups, word types and sentence structure (syntax) of Persian. An applied study on selected texts from classical and modern Persian works. Persian expressions, compounds and quoted sentences used in Ottoman Turkish.
Prerequisite: PER 201 or consent of instructor.
PER 203 Persian III (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Farsça III)
Classical forms and usages in Persian. Selected readings in medieval and early modern texts. Persian influences on Ottoman literature.
Prerequisite: PER 202 or Consent of the instructor.
PER 204 Persian IV (3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
(Farsça IV)
Forms, themes and tropes in classical Persian poetry, including panegyric, epic and didactic mysticism. Parallels with Ottoman poetry.
Prerequisite: PER 203 or Consent of the instructor.