Web Site of the Department
Head of the Program : Betül Avcı Sebetci
Executive Committee: Jameson Kısmet Bell (English Language & Literature), Didar Akar (Linguistics), Benoit Ellerbach (Modern Languages), Işıl Erduyan (Foreign Language Education), Saygun Gökarıksel (Sociology)
Professors : Matthew Gumpert (English Language & Literature), Aslı Tekinay (English Language & Literature)
Associate Professor : Didar Akar (Linguistics), Naz Bulamur (English Language & Literature), Ahmet Ersoy (History), Erol Köroğlu (Turkish Language and Literature), Özlem Öğüt.(English Language & Literature)
Assistant Professors : Olcay Akyıldız (Turkish Language and Literature), Jameson Kısmet Bell (English Language & Literature), Leyla Kayhan Elbirlik (Humanities), Işıl Erduyan (Foreign Language Education), Maria Pilar Milagros Garcia (English Language & Literature), Saygun Gökarıksel (Sociology), Ethan Guagliardo (English Language & Literature), Selcan Kaynak (Political Science and International Relations), Kutluğhan Soyubol (Sociology)
This program aims to offer students the theoretical and analytical tools with which to read culture critically. It is designed to enable them to analyze a wide range of cultural texts and practices in the light of contemporary cultural and critical theories. It also allows students to pursue their particular interests within an interdisciplinary and cross-cultural framework. Students are required to take CCS 501-502 Introduction to Critical and Cultural Theory I, II and CCS 504 Methodology and Research. (It is possible to substitute CCS 504 with a similar graduate course on methodology offered in a related field.) In addition they will be asked to choose four graduate courses from a pool of courses in related fields subject to the consent of their advisor, and to write an M.A. thesis. Students whose undergraduate degrees are not in English Literature are required to take at least one elective course from the English Literature pool.
First Semester |
Cr. |
CCS 501 |
Int. to Critical and Cultural Theory I |
4 |
-- -- |
Elective |
3/4 |
-- -- |
Elective |
3/4 |
-- -- |
Elective |
3/4 |
13/16 |
Second Semester |
Cr. |
CCS 502 |
Int. to Critical and Cultural Theory II |
4 |
CCS 504 |
Methodology and Research |
4 |
-- -- |
Elective |
3/4 |
CCS 579 |
Graduate Seminar |
0 |
11/12 |
Total: (minimum) 24 Credits.
CCS 501 Introduction to Critical and Cultural Theory I (4+0+0) 4
(Eleştiri ve Kültür Kuramlarına Giriş I)
An introduction to current themes and issues of cultural studies in the light of contemporary critical theory focusing on themes such as the definition of culture, production of cultural meanings and identities, the relationship between high and mass cultures, role of cultural forms in creating and maintaining power relationships and social boundaries.
CCS 502 Introduction to Critical and Cultural Theory II (4+0+0) 4
(Eleştiri ve Kültür Kuramlarına Giriş II)
An analysis of gender, ethnicity, race, and class relations from the vantage point of such theoretical perspectives as poststructuralism, postcolonialism, feminism, Marxism and psychoanalysis.
CCS 504 Methodology and Research (4+4+0) 4
(Yöntem ve Araştırma)
Theory construction, the rules of argumentation, data collection and analysis, qualitative/quantitative research methods and writing a research proposal.
CCS 579 Graduate Seminar (1+0+0) 0 ECTS 5
(Lisansüstü Seminer)
Seminars offered by faculty, guest speakers and/or graduate students designed to widen students' perspectives on specific topics of interest and to expand their range of scientific research techniques and publication ethics.
CCS 580-589 Special Topics in Critical and Cultural Studies (4+0+0) 4 ECTS 10
(Eleştiri ve Kültür Konularında Özel Çalışmalar)
Extensive reading, discussion and research in the field of critical and cultural studies. Topics vary from year to year.
CCS 690 MA Thesis ECTS 60
(Yüksek Lisans Tezi)